Monday 24 March 2014

Science Week!

Last week was National Science and Engineering week and in KS1 we did lots of 'wow' science and learnt lots of new and exciting things.

The week started out with a fun assembly exploring what happened when mentos were mixed with diet coke and when vinegar is mixed with bicarbonate of soda.

In Year R the children learnt about habitats and camouflaging and created their own African animal habitats to help them hide.

In Year 1 the children were the first to explore our new pond to see what creatures they could find and designed and created their own mini beasts suited to different purposes. The children also explored different materials and their properties by going on a hunt around the school.

In Year 2 the children made butter using only double cream and a jam jar! They learnt about the changes that were made and why it happens! It was very tasty! The children also recreated the vinegar and bicarbonate of soda experiments during their PDR time with messy outcomes.

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