Wednesday 12 February 2014

The life of a PPA teacher

Wow! What a fantastic opportunity I have been given this year. Much as I miss having my own class and my fabulous team mate, Mrs. Mahoney, I am loving teaching across Oakwood Primary School. I am able to experience exciting topics in every year group and work with the entire fabulous team. I spent the first half of the Autumn term covering PPA in KS1 (Year R & Year 2) which was so much fun(a brand new experience for me having trained for ages 7-11) and I hope to help out again when they need me. Some of the pictures below show 4TA practising French phrases, waiting on each other in a 'French Restaurant'. We have been focusing enjoying the French language: singing songs, reading stories, learning simple phrases asking for food, and practising french numbers. 3BK even asked for their dinner requests using French today. 'Je voudrais un sandwich avec du jambon s'il vous plait?' The rest of the photos show sweet and sour chicken stir fry and home made tortillas with guacomole created in cookery club. This is my 14th year at Oakwood and every year is a new experience, creating new memories. I'm very proud to be a member of staff here. I can't wait for the next half term.

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