Thursday 18 July 2013

The Oakwood Legacy Arena

As part of the Olympic Legacy's committee pledge this year we decided we wanted to bring the overgrown and abandoned area at the top of the playground back into use.
Many years ago it was the home of several mobile classrooms but now it has a new purpose!

The Legacy committee donned their gardening gloves and set to work in October - clearing leaves, mud, brambles, overgrown trees and plants. It was finally cleared for use in January and all children in the school have had the opportunity to use it at break and lunch times.

We wanted to further the use of the area, so armed with a sports grant from Solent University and a community sports charity donation from Testlands Support project - and a little bit extra from school we have been able to build The Legacy Arena.

You will no doubt have noticed it being built this week and the majority of the work is now finished. It is now ready for use as a great place to play sport and games. During the summer holidays we will be having some basketball posts fitted, which will give us a great facility which all children will benefit from! It is big enough for 2 basketball courts/netball pitches/mini football pitches or just about any other sport!

1 comment:

james Carrett said...

Hey ,looks pretty neet!